La Vita é Bella


A Ghanaian-born, Jersey-raised girl, doing stuff in Cameroon.


Ceremony Photos!
Cooking with Samira (That's Me!)
Because I Promised
I Am Not Dead
Mommies and Magic
Promiscuous Girl
This I Believe
It’s Not You… It’s Me. Oh, Wait. It is You.
I Probably Think This Song is About Me

septembre 2006 octobre 2006 novembre 2006 décembre 2006 janvier 2007 février 2007 mars 2007 avril 2007 mai 2007 juin 2007 juillet 2007 octobre 2007

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The Breast Cancer Site!
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Cooking with Samira (That's Me!)

dimanche, juillet 08, 2007

Text of the Week:
Galen: I think it is better for the world when you don't have access to technology.
Ha! You lob me and my blog! :]

The most popular questions I get (Other than the "Are you alive?" variety?) are the food questions. Such questions cover a broad range of topics related to all things edible.

Do you eat bushmeat?! Are you suffering from malnutrition?! Can I have your mailing address, so that I can send you protein bars?! Do you have a refrigerator in your house?! Do you walk uphill, both ways, to fetch your water?! Is it true that if I roll a Cheerio down a mountain in Africa, it will start a continent-wide marathon?! Etc.

To quell the anxiety, I have decided to invite you all into my kitchen, a la Rachel Ray.
As you can see, my kitchen is equipped with everything one could ever desire. Sink? Oven? Fridge? Freezer? Toaster? Microwave? Coffee maker? Dinglehoppers? Countertops? Electricity? Running water? Such unnecessary trifles! Who needs them when you’ve got a range top, some propane, and a water filter (free amoebas and gas fires, as an added bonus!)? For the more inquiring minds, that is neither cocaine nor marijuana (both rather cheap and ubiquitous here) on the floor. It is boric acid. No, it is not something you snort. Well, I suppose you could, if you were so inclined. However, a more appropriate usage is as bug repellent. For my fellow volunteers, wondering if that is really my swearing-in paigne (Did you know that paigne means “loincloth?” Shows what the French think of African people:p), which I cut up and used as shelf lining… Yes. It is.

Today (in only 30 minutes), we will be preparing a (somehwat?) delightful and (questionably?) healthy pasta dish!

1. Make pasta. If I have lost you already, please turn back now. Prepare refreshing lukewarm beverage while you wait.

2. Powdered Milk + Powdered Seasoning = Sauce.

3. Add Meat Product & Spices. Cook.

4. Eat, drink, and be merry :]

In other news, my neighbor had a baby last week. Guess what the baby's name is? Her name is Sandra. I am so not joking with you. I asked them about 5 times. And they kept laughing at me.

Me: Quel est son nom? (What is her name?)
Neighbor: Sandra!
Me: Umm... Non... pas mon nom... son nom!! (Umm... No... not my name... her name!)
Neighbor: Sandra! *laughing*
Me: Son nom! *points frantically at the baby to get my point across*
Neighbor: Sandra!!!! C'est son nom! (That's her name!)
Me: Ce n'est pas vrai! (It is not true!)
Neighbor: Oui, c'est vrai! (Yes, it is true!)
Me: Vraiment? (Really?)
Neighbor: * laughing even harder* Oui, bien sur. (Yes, of course.)

And on that note... Go Download this and Help me with my Project :P Thanks!!! Je t'aime!!

Happy Belated (sorry I have been MIA!) Birthdays to:
Jennifer Eunice- Hello?! Pick up the phone. You're on the request line :p (Got that one from Animal:D)
Lindsay- Those pictures you sent are too cute! Can't wait to see you!
The United States of America- You have never looked so good.

And a special shoutout to Mrs. F! Just because your daughter will be so amused by it! :D Haha! Hope you guys are all doing well :]