La Vita é Bella


A Ghanaian-born, Jersey-raised girl, doing stuff in Cameroon.


I Probably Think This Song is About Me
Reader Mail
Roses & Thorns (aka- The Valentine’s Day Entry) *CBT
The Road to Perdition
You Know You’ve Been “En Brousse” Too Long When (Y...
Last Weekend in Town
Ho Ho Ho!
Gobble Gobble! Err… Cluck Cluck!

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Me 2006©

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It’s Not You… It’s Me. Oh, Wait. It is You.

Mom: That one post makes it sound like you don’t bathe every day.
Me: Hmm.
Mom: You do bathe every day, right?
Me: Mommy, Mommy… can we talk about important things?
Mom: …

While I was in one of Peace Corps book closets (BTW- There is some weird junk in the PC libraries… makes me wonder about my fellow volunteers… :/) the other day, I was thinking about how funny it is that books (I suppose movies/tv, also) are very much like people. What sparked this epiphany? Well, as some of you already know I am a major BookWhore™. Ya know how kids stash candy, magazines, and various other naughty things under their pillows and mattresses (or in the case of my thoughtful residents, in the shared folders on the network servers)? So when Mommy would come in to turn off the light…You know the deal. Listen for the receding footsteps… wait a few more moments… and whip it out. Well, I don’t know about the rest of you, but I would be whipping out a Norton anthology and a flashlight. I would read several books a week (still do); you wouldn’t believe how many novels I read during my Genetic Engineering class. Anywho, my point is that I am always so caught up in BookLust™ , that I very rarely reread any of them.

So, when I found myself rereading a book the other day, I thought about it and realized that for me to read/reread a book a) It has to be show-stoppingly good [The Red Tent] b) I need to refresh my memory in order to read the sequel [Game of Thrones] c) It totally went over my head the first time [Take your pick of countless undergrad textbooks] d) I need some specific information on a topic [Waking Up Dry: A Guide to Help Children Overcome Bedwetting], or e) It was free and there was nothing else around [Just a Geek]. Then, I started to contemplate my book choices, in general.

The Show-Stopper
You know the type.
You pick it up cuz it catches your eye for no specific reason (or for several VERY specific ones); and you just cannot put it down. Not only that, but you have reread it several times. And it seems to get better each time. Almost as if it rewrites itself… like an autonomous robot. You want to have a cigarette after each read. And you’re not even a smoker.
Book Examples: A Wrinkle in Time, The Count of Monte Cristo, H2G2, etc.
Examples: Angelina Jolie, Me, etc.

The Diamond in the Rough
That is one hideous-looking book over there in the corner… And what is that label it is wearing?
Never heard of it. It is quite easy to avoid (or to altogether, fail to notice) the wallflower. No glamour, no glitz, no recognizable name. You cannot even tell what it is about by its title. But you decide to read it anyway; and you’re glad that you did:]
Book/Movie Examples: Flowers for Algernon, The Parable of the Sower, etc.
People Examples: Hahaha…
hehehehe… teeheehee… hohoho… :D!

The Surprise Popular Choice
What is right, is rarely popular.
And what is popular, (although often amusing as a form of entertainment) is rarely right. [i.e. –My Super Sweet 16, Flavor of Love, The DaVinci Code, Hummers, Leaders of Certain Free Nations – ya like how discrete I was there, huh? Big Brother is watching:p Especially now that someone linked my blog to the freakin Peace Corps Blog directory! >:O Who did it?! Thanks a lot, poopyface!! :::breathes fire!:::]… So, there’s that new book that everyone who is anyone has been talking about. And yah, it’s pretty-looking. But being intelligent, you initially avoid it like the plague. Until one day, out of a mixture of curiosity and boredom (and the fact that it was basically dropped in your lap), you decide to give it a shot. Lo, and behold! It has substance! Perhaps there is still a shred of hope left for mankind.
Book Examples: Harry Potter, A Prayer for Owen Meany, Me Talk Pretty One Day, etc.
People Examples: Edward Norton, Will Smith, etc.

The “Are You For Real, Girl?”
To this day you do not know what made you lightly brush off your girls when they asked you this question.
You just liked it, okay?! Your girls gave the cover of that one a quick once-over. They did not even need to see the book jacket. They just told you to put that mess down and to spend your time on bigger and better things. A part of you said that you should listen… but… why don’t they see how charming this little gem is?! After a brief (read- too long) infatuation, you also begin to wonder why you thought this one was so great. Good thing the next Harry Potter comes out soon.
Movie Examples: Save the Last Dance (Yah, yah. Leave me alone:p), Bring It On, etc.
People Examples: Come on.
You think I’d take the cheap shot? Besides, in the words of DC3 “Cuz my momma taught me better than that!”

The WTF?!
So you saw this wreck coming from miles away. But it was just so… SHINY!! Promising hours of sheer amusement and/or terror! You needed a senseless laugh that day. Man, YouTube is so great. You pick this one up… try to read it several times… have no idea what is going on or why… You eventually finish it… and you still have no idea what happened or why. But it had some pure schadenfreude moments.
Movie Examples: Welcome to the Dollhouse, Scary Movie, etc. (You laughed/cried too!)
People Examples: Jessie Spano when she was “So Excited.”
Screech and his… erm… film debut.

Do you have a book or movie (or person:]) to add to one of these categories? I’m always up for recommendations, so leave me a comment :]

In Other News: Chad came to visit me earlier this week, and it was so nice to speak English with someone, even if it was just Chad. Haha:D He did bring me a pineapple though! Hi Chad! And then my week got even better!!! Well… sort of… I almost fell out of my bed the next day, because it sounded like someone was machine-gunning my house… La saison pluie (the rainy season) has begun! African rain is no joke, but I was so excited to have some [very transitory] relief from the freakin heat. I threw off my clothes and rain outside in my underwear (See, Mom? I am clean). I was halfway through my celebratory dance (about 5 min. later)… when the clouds moved out faster than a fat kid chasing a cake… and once again, the African sun blazed down upon me. In a moment of rage, I demolished an ant hill, and went back inside.

Kanene Jean!!!
Miss you, Girl! Have a good one! Hope your man buys you something divine! :D I bet he doesn’t make you exploding not-so-microwaveable cookies :D! Though, that was all you… :/ When do I get my wedding invitation? :p

Sheldon!! :D Miss you, too! Hope you are not working too hard and find time to hold it down in the Midwest:] Someone needs to show those people how we do. Represent :]


Anonymous Anonyme said... im finally writing a comment. yay for me! so we had such a nice chat the other day. have been reading through ur blogs..sounds like ur uhh, surviving. ahng in there..and i love it when it rains! it smells so nice, hehe, im not kidding, you will miss it! but will leave a comment on books and movies later, still trying to think of em..take care and bee u

3/26/2007 07:27:00 PM  
Blogger Fred said...

i finally caught up on the blogs and those bats u have in ur house remind me of my new roomie....he snores every nite, all nite...and he sounds like a dinosaur, and since his name is frank i call him a frankasaurous (im so clever!) anyways, imma send ur hard drive as soon as my new one gets in, 250 gb western digital, hollllaaaa, we have sudoku in my school newspaper everyday but im always too busy studying to try it :-p ur laundry boy sounds like he is some sort of jedi or somethin, does he have a light saber? =-o i got one of our pictures hangin in my room wen we were both real little now and everyone who comes in seems to think u are cuter than me :-/ obviously they didnt look carefully enough at my bangin suspenders 8-D anyways, i know its gotta b tough over there but im sure ull make it through and come back a better person, perhaps more like me? :-) lobbb uu, stop talkin to sock puppets! :-)

3/31/2007 12:39:00 AM  
Blogger Fred said...

p.s. - are there any movies or tv shows u want me to put on the harddrive? i already got family guy on there, mm k bye again :-)

3/31/2007 01:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonyme said...

Hey Sangeeeeee,
a) Get up on that laptop research, son? Na mean? Thanks, love you <3
b) Guess what? I'm doing this pre-college pre-med program at Wesleyan over the summer for 3.5 weeks. It's all expenses paid AND they give me $800 stipend AND they cover my student contribution of my tuition!! I'm pumped, haha I've never had $800 before (though I owe JuJu $140 =/). It's in July. Anywho, hopefully this will get me ready for Wesleyan and I'll know what's up before I start school in september.
c) Miss you. Smoooochies <3

3/31/2007 01:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonyme said...

hahahaha, i like the parallels you drew between people and books... especially the examples. i'm not gonna even bother giving you book names because i'm pretty sure priya has read about 10000 books by now and has already recommended them to you. hope all is well! =)

4/02/2007 08:20:00 PM  
Blogger Me said...

Nazish- Hello Stranger! :D I did not know that you were this technologically advanced as to leave me a comment:] I love the rain too. Unfortunately, I have not seen it often lately:p You take care too! And the "be good" warning applies more to you than to me... :::wink, wink:::: Lobu:D

JuJuBee- You are almost as clever as me! I want one of the WD hard drives! :[ They are so cute. I will trade you my lightscribe for it:p My laundry boy is da bomb diggity fo' sho'! Haha:D Sorry, I have not slept in a few days >:| At least your friends recognize masterpieces when they see them. I will email you a list of stuff to put on the hard drive! Lob! Merci!

Animal- I told you to wait til I get down south, son! The whole Wesleyan deal is very sweet! Good job. Who knew that you had a brain? Tell Lee I said he better hook you up with all the vital 411! I need a nap :D How was the JT concert? Lobu2!

Neesha- Hiii!!! How was CR? How is my fellow PCV doing? Is she fat, like Sheela? Lobu, Sheela! :] Glad to know my musings amuse you :] Take care. Lob:]

4/03/2007 09:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonyme said...

I don’t understand. Apparently I was very mistaken. I remember the first time I saw you, a little kid too shy to even look up. You were in Ava Finger’s car, preschool age, I didn’t think you knew how to speak. I watched you grow, you never spoke very much but you seemed to understand too much for your age. I saw you and you sibs run around in the open space behind our homes. I have photo’s of you and Erica, Rachel, Fred and your Favorite sister (who knew she was so smart?) playing in the pink snow that used to fall from the cherry tree. I have the remnants of your kindergarten homework etched in my kitchen table. You were learning how to tell time and did your worksheet at the table while waiting for your mom to come home. You pressed so hard on the paper that I can see the answers in the wood on my table. I always cherished those marks. Over time E & R added to those marks. I don’t think I’ll ever have that table resurfaced. I can’t believe that you are in Africa in the PeaceC. I can’t believe that you seem to have such a big mouth. I can’t believe that you have a blog with all of this free flow of thoughts. I think this is the fault of the marching band. I think about you often and you are always in my prayers. Stay safe, don’t eat strange chickens. Mrs Feinberg PS Hi A. Congrats on college. Looking forward to your blog. Let me now how you are doing.

4/08/2007 08:16:00 PM  
Blogger Me said...

Mrs. Feinberg!
Awww… I cannot tell what gets me more about your comment, the beautiful writing or the sentiment. I suppose it is a combination of the two:] Either way, I appreciate it very much. I do recall my Three Pond times; they were pretty wonderful:] I cannot believe it was so long ago either… and look at us now… even crazy, confused Erica made it! Lobu, Erica! :] Hi Rach! I hope you’re not doing marching band, too! Obviously, it has a negative effect :D Miss you guys like whoa! Thanks for the messages and blessings!
~ Me

4/14/2007 10:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonyme said...

Hiiii Mrs.Feinberg! :) I don't know your email address, so I figured I'd just respond here and take up space on Sandra's blog haha. I remember you told me to let you know when I started driving so that you can get off the road...well now is the time! :P I drove all the way from Tacony-Palmyra bridge to my house the other day :) I'll hopefully get my license on July 2nd. We shall see. Thank you for the congratulations with Wesleyan. I'll really excited for college! I'm actually spending the weekend up there next month. And then I'm spending a month there over the summer for the program I mentioned in an above comment. Right now I'm just waiting for 7 weeks and 4 days, which is my graduation :) I hope you're doing well!

4/17/2007 06:51:00 PM  

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