La Vita é Bella


A Ghanaian-born, Jersey-raised girl, doing stuff in Cameroon.


Ceremony Photos!
Cooking with Samira (That's Me!)
Because I Promised
I Am Not Dead
Mommies and Magic
Promiscuous Girl
This I Believe
It’s Not You… It’s Me. Oh, Wait. It is You.
I Probably Think This Song is About Me

septembre 2006 octobre 2006 novembre 2006 décembre 2006 janvier 2007 février 2007 mars 2007 avril 2007 mai 2007 juin 2007 juillet 2007 octobre 2007

The Hunger Site

The Child Health Site!
The Breast Cancer Site!
The Literacy Site!
The Rainforest Site!
The Animal Rescue Site!

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Me 2006©

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dimanche, décembre 31, 2006

Internet access has been virtually unavailable, so I have a few belated shout-outs:
Happy Belated Birthday to:
Jesus (yah, I know it wasn't really His bday:p)!
Princess Sheela!

I do not know when my next internet opportunity will be so...
Happy Soon-to-be Birthdays to:
My Dad!
Lob you all:]

:::Insert massive amounts of craziness here:::
That has been my life lately. Unfortunately (or fortunately for you:p), I don't have the time to get into detail. But I promise to explicate in a later entry! Don't get too excited :]

Every now and then I am struck by the fact that I am living in Africa. You know... those times when I can't remember how to speak English... or I am sitting in a taxi next to 2 goats and a chicken... or how ridiculously happy it makes me to have the opportunity to take a shower 3 or 4 times a month... or when I am having dinner at a restaurant with some friends and some random Cameroonian guy approaches us and asks our price for the night... or I spill the bucket of water (and a few expletives) that I had to go get from one of the 2 wells in my village... and I think to myself: "Self... what are you doing here?"

We were doing vaccinations this week at the health center. And while I was weighing a baby, his 17-year old mother said to me in French (which I know was a challenge for her, because hardly anyone in my village speaks French. There is not even a high school, so 95% of the population only speaks the local language)... Anywho, so she says to me, "Thank you for being here."

Wow. I did not even know how to respond.

That's what I'm doing here.

Enough of that:] Hope you all had a wonderful holiday season. Thanks for all of the love:] Party a lot for me tonight:]

Last Weekend in Town

dimanche, décembre 10, 2006

Quote of the Week:
Nadia: Peace Corps Don’t Screen For Crazy!!
HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH! I am still laughing at this one, because it is unfortunately so very true.

Quote from the Past:
Ms. Kim: Let’s play one of my favorite games. It’s called, “Name Any Country on This Planet and I Will Tell You How Either the United States, the United Kingdom, or France Messed It Up.”

For those of you were not so blessed as to have Ms. Kim in your lives: She was my US History teacher in high school. And she was Absolutely Fabulous (FYI-I love that BBC show!)! I am sure that she still is! Anyone know where she is? I know she is not teaching at Eastern anymore. I had that class during 0 mod (an optional class time slot for us sick overachievers who loved being in class at 6 something in the morning), and I still looked forward to it every day! That is how awesome she was. She was full of amusing witticisms and observations…. One which involved a “naked mole rat” and my then boyfriend’s love for me… I so should have heeded her warning on that one…

Anywho! I was thinking of this comment of hers during a recent lecture we had on Cameroonian history and politics, and it made me giggle out loud. Then I started to think of another little Ms. Kim anecdote about how she spent one particular Valentine’s Day and I just started cracking up. For those of you who have not caught on, I’m fairly easily amused. Understatement. I won’t even tell you about that one time where I laughed about an episode of Arthur (Yes, on PBS. Don’t hate.) all through the 2 hours of my Protein Folding class. At least the smelly kid who sat next to me decided to move to another seat.

So the clock is ticking. We swear-in on Wednesday (assuming that we all pass our Language Proficiency Exam on Monday…), and then we leave for our posts at the crack of dawn on Thursday. I am soooooooooo glad that Stage is almost over, but I am gonna miss all of you poopyheads like whoa! Even though it creeps me out that after 3 months together… day in… and day out… we still all get along. Gross. And thanks for the interesting night :D

FYI #1: Many of you have been inquiring as to what I want for Christmas/My Birthday and which address you should send it to. For those of my less faithful followers who failed to do so, shame on you. Anywho, gonna ask you to hold off on that for a bit cuz hopefully I will be able to set up a Peace Corps Partnership site once I get to my village. I will post the link; then you can donate money to help me with my projects at my health center! I understand how truly awesome I am though, so I will not prevent any of you from sending me any additional presents via airmail… as you will see in my second FYI.

FYI #2: We did a superlative Who’s Who thing for our Stage and guess who won “Best Attitude?” That’s right! Send me rewards. Like a refrigerator. And an oven/stove. And an air-conditioning unit. And electricity. Actually, I will be elated if someone sends me a freakin cereal bar. Merci.

Ho Ho Ho!

dimanche, décembre 03, 2006

Quote of the Week
Me: Aux États-Unis, seulement les lâches bâtaient les femmes! Et ils vont à la prison pour ca !

Picture this : A group of volunteers… sitting poolside at a hotel… drinking liberally… smoking cigarettes… contemplating the benefits or marijuana… eating expensive Snickers bars from our weekly raid at the “Super Marche”…and discussing our future (for some people, present) bouts of promiscuity. Did I mention that we are Health volunteers? 3 months of training does that to you. FYI- Have no fear, parental units: Other than swimming, the only thing that I personally participated in was the eating of the Snickers.

Anywho, boys and girls! It’s that time of year!! Those of you who kno me kno how ecstatic this time makes me. There are so many good things about it (hint-my birthday! Christmas! My birthday! Christmas!). I was thinking back to Christmases past... how I yearned for an Easy-Bake Oven… for a clarinet… for new ballet slippers… for Dark Ages of Camelot… for a Palm Pilot. Let me tell you what I would do right now just for some drinkable water… Forget the Mardi Gras beads. Just throw me a bottle of Poland Springs. And for a Kit-Kit?? Give it to me and we will talk.

I am exhausted. Mentally. Physically. Gastro-Intestinally. 12 weeks of training is violent. And in traditional school-style, the trainers have crammed the last few weeks with everything they could possibly think of. The past week has been non-stop assignments, quizzes, exams, presentations… not to mention class and all of the time it takes to prepare the presentations… in French. Of course I am used to this thanks to RPI, but it is a little different in Africa. When electricity is unreliable or simply not present at all, you’re racing to get things done before the sun sets. That gives you roughly until 6:30… Class finishes at 4:30… not too much of a window there. That means that it’s just me and my kerosene lantern… up into the wee hours of the night.

Anyone know anything about alternative energy implementation for small villages and/or structures? Or cooling systems/refrigeration that does not require electricity? Or water harvesting? Or water filtration, also sans electricity? Or where to get a reliable cordless blender in the US, so my mommy can send me one? Or where I can get some freakin castor oil in the Extreme North, North, or Adamaoua provinces? Or just some decent green tea? Holler at me.

Moving on: Don’t you have something to do? Like go buy me presents? Better get on that cuz packages take awhile to get here. That’s right. :D

Your weekly TMI- Someone needs to send The J Sisters to me ASAP.