La Vita é Bella


A Ghanaian-born, Jersey-raised girl, doing stuff in Cameroon.


Mommies and Magic
Promiscuous Girl
This I Believe
It’s Not You… It’s Me. Oh, Wait. It is You.
I Probably Think This Song is About Me
Reader Mail
Roses & Thorns (aka- The Valentine’s Day Entry) *CBT
The Road to Perdition
You Know You’ve Been “En Brousse” Too Long When (Y...

septembre 2006 octobre 2006 novembre 2006 décembre 2006 janvier 2007 février 2007 mars 2007 avril 2007 mai 2007 juin 2007 juillet 2007 octobre 2007

The Hunger Site

The Child Health Site!
The Breast Cancer Site!
The Literacy Site!
The Rainforest Site!
The Animal Rescue Site!

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Me 2006©

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I Am Not Dead

Text of the Week:
Me: You will never guess where I am right now…
(And they couldn’t!)

Thanks to the barrage of emails and text messages which I have received recently, I know that my fellow volunteers were not the only ones wondering where the heck I was and what I was up to. Hahaha:D Hehehehe :D I would tell you… but then I would have one less thing to giggle about.

Well, I suppose the least I can do is give you a vague recount of my whereabouts and doings. So… the last month or so… I’ve been around. Doing things. I was thinking the other day about how amusing it would be if I had my own reality TV show. But then I realized that the whole lack-of-electricity thing would really hinder a camera crew in my village. And also, if Peace Corps administration had the opportunity to witness my daily happenings (such as giggling to myself for extended periods of time), I would probably get “whack-evacked” (the endearing term we use for the volunteers who get evacuated due to “mental issues.”).

I am in Yaoundé right now, so I am kind of tired thanks to the overnight train. Although, the train made it in only 17 hours this time! Awesome. I know that this post sucks a lot, but I just wanted to let you all know that I am alive and well:] Sorry for not including a comments section in my last post. I do not even know how I managed that one. I have edited it, so that now you can go back and leave many amusing comments for my previous post:] I promise a more entertaining post tomorrow, when I am more awake! Now you have something to look forward to:] You are welcome:]

Happy Father’s Day to all of you men wondering where the children in your house came from and why they eat all of your food and money :D That means YOU, Dad:D And many others, I am sure:] Love!